Discover the best of Iberia's wildlife
Iberian Wildlife Tours organises and leads top-quality natural history holidays throughout Spain and Portugal. For more than 20 years we've been guiding both for major European tour operators and for independent travellers.
We offer a range of departures throughout the year, varying in length from just half a day to two weeks. Our general natural history tours are complemented by a series of more specialised excursions dedicated to birds, butterflies, dragonflies and wildflowers… More
2022 UpdateDue to technical difficulties with the site we are unable to update as before so please contact us directly for future tour plans using the links at the bottom of this page.
March 2019 8-day tour A tour for people who like a little bit of everything, including winter sun! Tenerife & La Gomera offer an exceptional diversity of wildflowers, butterflies, dragonflies, reptiles and birds, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. Further details for this holiday…
Anytime dates With restricted time and budgets, travellers often want a birdwatching or wildlife tour orientated specifically to their needs. In collaboration with Spainbirds Nature Tours, John can offer you fully legal tours in Spain personally designed to suit your needs, be the emphasis on birds, mammals, butterflies and/or dragonflies. Please contact John for a free quote with no commitments attached.
May-June 2019 7-day tour The principal focus of the tour is undoubtedly the superb Spanish Moon Moth, but the array of unusual spring butterflies, 30+ species of orchids and the selection of charismatic birds found here are also exceptional. Macro photo opportunities galore! Read more about this tour…
Scheduled 8-day & 5-day tours; others by request We visit the mammal and bird-rich Sierra de Andújar in AndalucĂa in search of the critically endangered Iberian lynx, in combination with the wealth of birdlife in either the La Mancha lakes (5 days) or the other lynx stronghold of Doñana National Park (8 days). More Iberian lynx tours info…
June 2019 8-day tour The Picos de Europa's mosaic of haymeadows, ancient forests and subalpine limestone rock-gardens is home to more than 1500 species of vascular plants, including more than 50 orchids. Early June is a time of maximum botanical diversity, with plenty of other wildlife on offer too. More information about this tour…
Throughout 2019 Tailor-made birding tours in Madrid, Extremadura, La Mancha and Castilla y Leon to suit your requirements. All levels of knowledge catered for. Evening excursions & trips to special sites for the rarer species. More about birding in central Spain…
Sept-Oct 2019 6-day tour One of Europe's finest assemblages of nocturnal Lepidoptera (more than 820 species of macromoths have been recorded here) offering a wealth of photographic opportunities, plus daytime excursions for autumn butterflies, Orthoptera and flora. Further details for this holiday…
Throughout 2019 Day trips If you're holidaying in the Picos, why not join me to explore the natural wonders of these mountains for a day to search for birds, butterflies, wildflowers and any other wildlife that might cross our path? Children are particularly welcome. Further details of these daily excursions…
Our tour destinations this year, including those we run in conjunction with other operators, are very similar to those shown on the map above. To find out more, simply click on the coloured region on this map or on the individual tour titles in the list below to see details. Discover the best of Iberia's wildlife with us!
Tours throughout Spain
Picos de Europa tours
Castilla y Leon tours
Navarra tours
Aragon tours
Catalonia tours
IWT blog
John's C Spain news
A heatwave is currently trying to fool wildlife that winter is over. Near record temperatures in C and N Spain have brought the biological spring suddenly to life, with numerous butterflies on the wing and early-returning migrant birds.... More
Genet nights!
The elusive genet!... More
Giving something back... Teresa's donation to Butterfly Conservation in 2015
Eleven tours in 2015 saw Teresa and her clients recording an incredible 165 species of butterflies, resulting in a substantial donation to Butterfly Conservation earlier this month... More
Extremadura 14-20 April 2015 : Photo-blog part 2
Part 2 of a photographic summary of a private 7-day tour to Extremadura during the peak spring period for just about all the wildlife there! This includes a few of the notable flowers, habitats and invertebrates seen, such as Yellow & Mirror Ophrys, Pink Butterfly and Tongue Orchids, Rhinoceros and Scarab Beetles and a 'mixed bag' of other fantastic wildlife.... More
Extremadura 14-20 April 2015 : Photo-blog part 1
A photographic summary of a private 7-day tour to Extremadura during the peak spring period for just about all the wildlife there! This part covers a few of the notable birds and butterflies seen, such as Spanish Imperial Eagle, Great Bustard, Eagle-owl, Provence Hairstreak & Spanish Marbled White.... More
Doñana + Extremadura 05 - 11 April 2015 : private tour highlights
Summary report of a 7-day excursion focussing on the birds of these two fabulous birdwatching areas. Nearly 200 birds species were recorded, including many returning migrants, 20 species of diurnal raptors and a remarkable range of the scarcer and more sought-after species of S and W Spain.... More
Brown Bears, birds & butterflies in the Picos de Europa & Somiedo N.P. : Trip Report August 2015
A new less intensive and still highly successful version of the previous tour. An average of just one bear watch a day, mostly at dawn, resulted in a fine observation of a big black male on our very first attempt during a very difficult year! A wealth of other sightings included Southern Chamois, 3 Wallcreepers, Western Spectre and 61 species of butterflies, such as the endemic Spanish Argus and Chapman's Ringlet.... More